Welcome to the ‘Modern Convent Public School’ Aligarh

Your child is growing up fast and ready for a little more independence, our pre school club will be a perfect introduction.

Our approach to learning and teaching is through child centered play and education. We have a fully equipped nursery.

After School
With a wide range of activities including arts and crafts, imaginative play and physical activities, our staff will engage with your children.
Why Modern Convent Public School
As a parent choosing a school is a difficult task. There are so many options, how can you know what is best for your child? At MCPS, we strive to be transparent and open with our parents, even in the admissions process. We want parents to be part of our learning community, an integral part of the school. We are quite open about our philosophy of schooling and want parents who agree with our approach to join our team.
Here are some fundamentals about how we approach education:
- Treat each child as an individual.
- Engage students with real world problems and learning.
- Make learning collaborative.
- Make learning visible.
- Encourage our whole community to love and respect each other.
- Provide a safe and supportive infrastructure.
- Set high expectations of ourselves and our students.
School Facilities
We have a well-equipped range of facilities and resources for all students from Playway & Kindergarten to Grade 8 to help them achieve a well-rounded education in a child-friendly atmosphere. It is our vision that each student enjoys their years of education and reach their full potential.
In recent decades India has made significant progress on access to schooling and enrollment rates in primary education but dropout rates and low levels of learning remain challenges for the state and central government. As the U.S. has a longer history of public education than India there are opportunities for India to learn from the successes and failures in the American education system and to collaborate in tackling shared challenges, such as the best use of technology in primary education.
Primary school enrollment in India has been a success story, largely due to various programs and drives to increase enrolment even in remote areas. With enrollment reaching at least 96 percent since 2009, and girls making up 56 percent of new students between 2007 and 2013, it is clear that many problems of access to schooling have been addressed. Improvements to infrastructure have been a priority to achieve this and India now has 1.4 million schools and 7.7 million teachers so that 98 percent of habitations have a primary school (class I-V) within one kilometer and 92 percent have an upper primary school (class VI-VIII) within a three-kilometer walking distance.
Indoor Play Areas
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Kindergarten Development
When you are faced with the daunting task of keeping 20-30 kindergartners focused on a lesson plan, the perfect remedy is a kindergarten activity from Education.com. Science lessons come to life with kindergarten activities like making waves in a bottle. Foundational math skills are built and brain connections enhanced through memory match games. The indoor and outdoor kindergarten activities below will entertain and educate for hours.
Our Results Speak for themsleves!
Congratulations to our Year 11 to 13 students of 2017 for their results. We are thrilled to see so many of our student achieving their personal best.
We are proud of the success of our students and the dedication of their teachers who consistently deliver such outstanding results.
School Blog & News

Award distribution in Year-2024

School Function in Year-2023

Admission Start Date 1st April 2024
Annual Function 2016, Modern Convent Public School

Admission Open for Session 2018-2019